

@elenikalorkoti’s Strange and Stylish Illustrations

For more chicly drawn sorceresses, witches and space travelers, follow @elenikalorkoti.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Eleni Kalorkoti’s (@elenikalorkoti) inspiration for the strange and stylish characters she illustrates comes from eclectic sources including ’70s cinema, “Columbo” and dance costumes by Oskar Schlemmer. “Last week I went to see a David Bowie exhibition,” she says, “and now I want to draw everyone wearing quilted jumpsuits.”

For Eleni, Instagram provides an opportunity to share inspiration as well as works in progress. “It’s nice to get some feedback on something after working on it alone in your room all day,” she says. “It’s also a great place to share someone else’s work and hopefully send some new people their way.”


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