

Entering Mystical Worlds with @charlie_davoli

To explore more of Riccardo’s abstract sceneries, follow @charlie_davoli on Instagram.

Italian Instagrammer Riccardo Schirinzi (@charlie_davoli) layers images to create imagined worlds by “playing with paradoxes and mixing up real environments with surreal interferences.” Using iPhone editing apps for the process, Riccardo’s inspiration is the real world around him.

“When I walk down the street, I shoot anything that catches my attention, creating a data base of potential photos to work with,” he explains. “My influences are the metaphysical stream of De Chirico, the geometry love of the Bauhaus era and the super pop culture of Warhol and Lichtenstein—all mixed up and topped with a bit of retro-futuristic sci-fi style.”

All of his works are driven by the fun and freedom of creative expression, and Riccardo enjoys sharing his fantastical settings. “I’d love that anyone could enjoy a ride in my amusement park. Just like going on a roller-coaster!”

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